Employee Spotlight: Matthias Lücking

Matthias Lücking | Senior Consultant

How did you become part of the grosse-hornke team?

It was definitely not the typical application story. During my master’s studies in Duisburg, I got involved in a student consultancy called “Wissenschaft in der Praxis e.V.” Our umbrella organization BDSU regularly organizes congresses. At one of these events I met Silke Grosse-Hornke and one of her colleagues. We got along very well and stayed in touch. I completed the classic job interview and was later invited to the Christmas party, where I was able to get to know the whole team. That convinced me.


What is your role on your team?

I am a Consultant, working mainly in the field of IT project management.

What do you enjoy about working here?

It’s an exciting job because there’s no set routine and we’re always working on new topics. You learn an incredible amount every day. We are given responsibility within the projects at an early stage meaning we can connect directly with customers, and our questions and feedback are heard. Our colleagues are very helpful and get back to us quickly when we have questions. I haven’t experienced this level of cooperation anywhere else.


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Any fun projects on the horizon? What are you and your team up to next?

There are two major topics on the agenda. One is the modernization of a database. We are ensuring that the IT security requirements are met, namely the integrity, availability and confidentiality of the incoming data. The second topic is the implementation of new software in the Fund Service area, which will be rolled out company-wide.


What are some of the common challenges facing your clients at the moment?

One thing that always causes challenges for businesses is the implementation of a new system or software with many interfaces. It’s not just adopting the new technology itself, but also they can lead to capacity bottlenecks. Internal colleagues who support the IT project on the customer side may have to cope with this alongside their day-to-day role. This is where we come in as IT project managers and provide the best possible support for customers.


Field hockey crack Matthias, challenging himself with bow and arrow

What was your dream job as a child and what has your journey been like to arrive where you are today?

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a soccer player. I still enjoy playing soccer, but my career plans have changed. It was important to me to do something where I learn something that could be used in a variety of ways and never get bored. I didn’t think about consulting at first. But a friend took me to a student consultancy, and I particularly liked project management there: the opportunity to master challenges as a team and then see the successful outcome. That suits me very well and is one of the main reasons why I decided to become a consultant. I am someone who always strives for optimization and always search for an even better method for everything.


What did you study at university and how has it been relevant to your role at grosse-hornke?

I studied industrial engineering with a focus on mechanical engineering in my bachelor’s degree and then did a master’s degree in the same subject. I wrote my master’s thesis while at a company. What I benefit most from is the way of approaching topics and familiarizing myself with new content. That is, above all, the methodical approach.


What piece of advice would you give to an aspiring management consultant?

Look around at your university to see if there is a student consultancy there. This is an exciting opportunity that can offer you a lot of tools for your launching your career, that I found very helpful. I also recommend that you exchange ideas with experienced consultants whenever you have the chance. Experience is very important in consulting, and you can learn a lot from those who have experience in the industry.


How do you like to spend your free time/unwind?

I’ve been playing field hockey in a club for 18 years. That means training twice a week in the evenings and playing games on the weekends. I don’t have as much time in my working day, but I manage. Otherwise, I really enjoy being out and about with friends. Now it’s summer we often go out to play soccer or have a barbecue.


What good books have you read lately?

I used to love reading fantasy books – many stories that were later released as blockbusters were even better as books, such as “Maze Runner,” for example. I’m currently reading a psychological book: “What Every BODY is Saying” by John Navarro, a former FBI agent. He explains how to interpret nonverbal signals. What we unconsciously communicate with our body language is incredibly interesting and can be very useful to understand in all aspects of life.


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2022-08-09, grosse-hornke

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